Couples Therapy
You and your partner are welcome here! I celebrate couple clients of all time lengths of relationship, ethnic identities, interracial and interfaith relationships and sexual orientations. The model I use, Emotionally Focused Therapy, welcomes and celebrates all of what makes your loving relationship thrive.

What is Emotionally Focused Therapy?
EFT is an evidence based model and the gold standard in the couples therapy industry. I have been training since 2017 and continue to be amazed at the power of this model and how it works with couples from all ethnic identities, sexual orientations and works well with families too.
The research shows that EFT works and over 70% of couples significantly improve and years later, continue to remain in healthy and happy relationships.

What’s the benefit of couple’s therapy versus a workshop?

Couples Therapy
Personalization & Privacy
Couples therapy allows you to have the personal consultation and space to explore your unique and beautiful relationship. You also have the privacy to speak about your most intimate aspects of your relationship, emotional, spiritual and physical (sex life).
Trust & Transformation
Couples therapy also is personalized to you and your partner which can allow for there to be a created space of trust, safety and risk taking. I see my couples transform every day and this is another reason for why I love my profession.
Life Transitions
Couples also appreciate having a primary therapist to be available for life transitions and offer preventive care. This is for the couples I work with preparing for their first child, who just moved in together, have their parents/families moving in with them, and/or couples going through a phase of life change
Examples include a new work schedule, a job that demands business travel and causes less quality time together, parenting a new development phase with child, relocation, a new disability, cancer, a death in the family, empty nesters, etc.

Intro to the Basics
A workshop is an excellent introduction to basic couples skills in communication, listening, emotional intelligence and exercises that ease couples into what and how couples therapy could benefit them.
Beginners or Refreshers
Workshops are also great for couples who are just beginning a relationship and wanting to learn more about one another as well as the couple who have done couples therapy before, but want to refresh their skill sets.
Renewing Commitments
Workshops can also allow for there to be the experience of “renewing” commitment to and for one another in a short term model and feel inspired by other couples who are doing the same during that 2 day time frame.
How long can I expect to be in Couples Therapy?
I consider the couples therapy workshops that I offer to be equivalent to 5 (50 min) couples therapy sessions as you will complete 7 (30-60 min) exercises by the end of the class.
On average, most of my couples will typically see me from 6-25 sessions and find that the length of treatment depends on each case and the reasons for establishing therapy (i.e. infidelity, loss of trust, welcoming new child to family, trauma, grief and loss, relocation, loss of job, etc.)
What about insurance?
Please note that under your insurance carrier, couples therapy is considered to be medically necessary so you will need to consult to confirm the number of sessions that will be allowed for you and your partner to be seen. If you are private pay, you are welcome to see me for any length of time if I should have the availability.
A great option my couples consider is biweekly or monthly if they are transitioning to less frequency as they improve to be mindful of offsetting costs if they are simultaneously in individual therapy as well.

It's your time to shine.
Take the first step today and contact me.